\(h^2\) vs. Intercept

Use the “Data” tab to get information on points selected on the plot (including links to the phenotype page), or to select points to highlight on the plots. Note: You must open the Data tab prior to making the selection for this function to work.


Z scores


Intercept distribution

\(h^2\) distribution

LambdaGC Ratio

Note: The “ratio” metric from LDSR is defined as: \[\frac{Intercept-1}{mean(\chi^2)-1}\] and is roughly an estimate of the balance between inflation in \(lambda_{GC}\) (i.e. the genomic control factor) due to confounding vs. inflation from polygenic signal. Phenotypes with \(mean(\chi^2) < 1.002\) are excluded. This value will be inflated if the LDSR intercept is inflated, for instance due to model misspecification.